File your taxes for free
Direct File is now open. Taxpayers in 25 states can file their federal taxes directly with the IRS.
Direct File is:
Find out if Direct File is the right option for your 2024 taxes.
Import your tax information directly from the IRS
Direct File can save you time by filling in some of your information, like your employment and wage information from your Form W-2, if it's available.
More benefits of Direct File
- Get guided help for every part of your federal tax return
- File from your smartphone, tablet, or computer
- Access live support from IRS staff, Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Eastern time
You can use Direct File for your federal taxes if you lived and worked in these states for all of 2024:
- Alaska
- Arizona
- California
- Connecticut
- Florida
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Kansas
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Washington state
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
You may also need to file state taxes. After you complete your federal return, Direct File will guide you to your state's free filing tool. In some cases, we can transfer your data to your state's tool.
If your state is not listed here, you can't use Direct File.
For more news and updates about Direct File:
- Learn more about how Direct File works
- Sign up for the Direct File newsletter
If you need help while using Direct File, online chat support is available in English and Spanish.
If you have questions about something else, you can find support from the IRS anytime.
New for 2025
If you're the primary filer, Direct File can help import some of your information, like:
- Employment and federal wage information from your Form W-2
- Identity Protection PIN (IP PIN), if you use one
- Your Social Security number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)
- Your name, date of birth, mailing address, email address, and phone number
- Interest information from any Forms 1099-INT, if applicable (coming soon)
You can review the information you import before you submit it to the IRS.
What we're working on next
We're expanding data import to include more forms and tax information to make filing your taxes even easier.
What people said about Direct File last year
It was clean and extremely easy to navigate. It told me exactly what I needed to input, and instructions were easy and straightforward.
I love that it was free, transparent, and very direct. It was super simple, and it felt both secure and very streamlined. Great experience!